
Dont starve wiki blow dart
Dont starve wiki blow dart

  • The design of the Dark Sword appears to be a combination of Nightmare Fuel's visual elements and the shape of a scimitar, a sword stereotypically used by Ottomans and relative Middle Eastern populace, originating in the 9th century. Here's a list of every possible way to obtain Cut Reeds (aside from destroying or deconstructing an item crafted out of them): Harvesting Reeds (x1) One of the 3 possible drops from harvesting a Tumbleweed (1 each drop) Possible drop from a friendly Catcoon vomiting (x1) Cut Reeds' Food type is Roughage, meaning the.
  • The Dark Sword was added in the Insanity! update.
  • It is smart to use the Dark Sword on the Lunar Island to keep your Enlightenment low.
  • She also does not suffer from the Sanity drain.
  • As Wanda, Dark Swords are best used when she is old, as she gains a 1.75x attack damage buff to Shadow Weapons.
  • Saving Maxwell's Dark Sword for stronger mobs later in the game, or for emergency situations, and until the player obtains a Shadow Manipulator and enough of the Weapon's ingredients is advised.
  • Due to their perks, the Dark Sword proves the most useful when wielded by Wolfgang, Maxwell, Wigfrid and Wanda. The Dark Sword is one of the strongest Melee Weapons in the game, in terms of reliable, player-dealt damage. It is one of Maxwell's starting items in the singleplayer game. It also drains Sanity by 20 /minute while equipped. The Dark Sword does 68 damage per hit and has 100 uses.


    GitHub - Ecu/Blowgun-Revamped: A small mod for Don't Starve Together that re-places Blow Darts. It requires a Shadow Manipulator to prototype and costs 5 Nightmare Fuel and 1 Living Log to craft. A small mod for Don't Starve Together that re-places Blow Darts. The Stagehand will only be attracted to sources that produce fire, like Campfires and Torches. At night, the creatures legs creep out from under the table and search for a light source in its vicinity. It seems to have something moving under it resembling a Night Hand. The Dark Sword is a Magical Melee Weapon. The Stagehand is a naturally spawning object in Dont Starve Together, introduced in A New Reign.

    dont starve wiki blow dart

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    Dont starve wiki blow dart